lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013


Sunday, September 8, 2013
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Conference of Salvador Allende in the Grand Lodge of Colombia

Given the complexity of the political, economic and social

winning the so-called period of "crisis" nationally and internationally, that are thrown at each other politicians , who are not to rise to the occasion and obligations , to paraphrase the master liberator José Martí Pérez , we say , to the workers , youth and people of conscience "Freedom is the right of every person , human being, to be honest , to think for himself and to speak without hypocrisy. A person who obeys a bad government without a fight to change it , it is not an honest person , honest , etc. . The boy, the young man who does not think about what happens around him and is content to survive without wondering whether he lives honestly is like a person who lives the work of a rogue and is on track to be rogue ... "
Workers , youth , to our partners , we send attached the lecture of a human being loyal, honest , dignified and consequential made ​​history , Dr. Chilean President Salvador Allende Gossens , given in the Lodge of Colombia , wondrous , educational , and very effective guidance we stated that " the past is not forgotten , dead, not even past." " In times like now infamous reigning lies, telling the truth is a revolutionary act ... "
"Break the isolation , again feel the satisfaction of an act of dignity, freedom , to circulate this information ... "
Plan : . delivered by Q : . H : . Salvador Allende , President of Chile, during the Ten: . Grand Ori: . of the Great Log: . of Colombia , based in Bogota , on August 28, 1971 .
Serene Grand Master : . of the Great Log: . of Colombia , QQ : . HH: . Members of Sup : . With : . High Dig: . of the Order , QQ : . HH: . all :
I think , looking at the beginning of my life , and still young , not easily got the right to be a member of the Grand Lodge of Chile, because it had been a rebellious student . And if I hit the doors of the Ans: . Log: . Progress # 4 of Valparaiso , it was with deep conviction and taking the stock of Masonic principles inculcated in my home and my father's home .
The Q : . H : . Ramón Allende Padin was Serene Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Chile and founder of the Lodge whose doors opened for me in Valparaiso , the second lodge in the country. He was aware that the Order is not a cult, nor is it a party . That when roughing rough stone man , be prepared to act in the secular world and it is the duty of Masons to act on it on the bases of the permanent principles of Freemasonry. So I will not say to thank, because I think that's a misnomer among HH : . , But to witness the generous amount of words and Sovereign Grand Commander of the Most Serene Grand Master I have a brother who also remember the night of my initiation, when I first heard , in ritual, unprincipled men without entrenched ideas , are like broken its rudder boats , crash into the reefs. I also knew that in our Order there was no social hierarchies and fortunes . So from the first moment it strengthened my conviction that the principles of the Order , projected to the profane world could and should mean a great contribution to the renewal process and seething , seeking peoples around the world and , especially , the peoples of this continent whose political and economic dependence emphasizes the painful tragedy of the developing countries .
Therefore, having the assurance that tolerance is one of the most profound and solid virtues , along my Masonic life , and to reaching age 33, raised on the plates in the various Masonic Lodges of my homeland security , some for me, that could coexist within the Temples with my HH : . , Although for many it was hard to imagine that a person could do in secular life publicly says it is Marxist . This, comprised within the lodges , was often misunderstood in my own party. More than once in the congresses of the party which he founded no less than a former Serene Grand Master of the Masonic Order of Chile, Matte Eugenio Hurtado , raised the incompatibility between being a Mason and a socialist . It's harder intolerance in political parties . I held my right to be a Mason and a socialist . I stated publicly at that Congress , if such inconsistency arose , would cease to be a member of the Socialist Party , but never cease to be socialist in terms of ideas and principles , in the same way , I argued that the day that the Order is raised , thing I could imagine , incompatibility between my ideals and my Marxist doctrine and a Mason , would Workshops , convinced that tolerance was a virtue not practiced. I was able to circumvent this reality and I think I can only offer the Brethren . of the Grand Lodge of Colombia a life loyal to the principles of the Order , within the Order , and the Secular World .
For many years , from student, I knew from prison and exclusion of the University and of relegation , until today , I've been consistent with my beliefs . My battles in a political world convulsed , but in a country that has achieved high levels politically , sometimes with no chance and sure, to get to the throne of the presidents of Chile.
I was interested to open a furrow , plant a seed , water it with the example of a courageous life that someday give its fruit is sown , not for me but for my people , for my country , which needs a different existence . Chile, although it is a country that has achieved politically - as I said a moment ago higher levels in the political development than other countries in this hemisphere , if it is true that Chile is a country where bourgeois democracy has allowed the development of all ideas , although I repeat that this is so , this has been achieved by the struggle of the popular sectors , in order to respect the right of citizens and the gains achieved by the people and that have been achieved in heroic battles for dignity, for bread and work. While it is true that Chile has achieved in politics be an independent country , from the economic point of view it is , and we think it is essential to achieving the economic independence to be truly free our country politically. And we think it is essential that this is achieved, as a people , nation or country , and it is essential that the citizens of my country lose the fear of life , breaking with the submission , has the right to work, to education, to the culture , housing , health and recreation.
We believe that human beings have to live Chile the content of such significant words which constitute the Masonic fundamentals triad : FRATERNITY , EQUALITY AND FREEDOM . We have argued that there is no equality when a few have everything and many have nothing. We think that there can be no brotherhood where the exploitation of man by man is the characteristic of a system or a system . Because abstract freedom must give way to Full Freedom . So we fought . We know it is tough task and we are aware that each country has its own reality , its own form , its own history, its own idiosyncrasies . And certainly respect the distinctive profile characteristics that give each nation of the world and even more so to those of this continent . But we also know , and the fullness of consciousness , these nations emerged harness breaking solo effort by human beings who were born in different lands , they had different flags , but they were united under the same banner ideal to allow an American independent and united. History teaches us that a few irregular Lodges , as Lautarianas , were the seed and the seed of liberation struggles , and here in the Grand Lodge of Colombia , I can remember with deep satisfaction that Bolivar wrote to O'Higgins directly from Sucre , and that his word was echoed in Our Founding Father , who "gave up the lesson of toughness " when he learned of the losses, but he also knew the strength to recover them, and onshore Argentina sister look at St. Martin the possibility of a decisive battle to free Chile, and had the vision in the Southern Cone of America, which had just Bolivar in his eagerness for the rest of the continent . So , one day August 20 , from Valparaiso Rada dismissed with these words to the liberating expedition boats delPerú : " Of these four tables depends on the future of America." They were soldiers of Chile and Argentina who contributed to the liberation of Peru . So modestly in the dimension of reality, and knowing that in the contemporary world , rather than the person , it is the people who should be and are key players in the story , I looked for the possibility of this town , that of Chile, to become aware of their own strength and find their own way knew . There has been , therefore , more than a contribution personally. The great majority have been popular Chilean national majorities , comprising peasants and workers , for students, staff , technicians, professionals , intellectuals and artists have been atheists and believers , Masons and Christians, laity have been people with political definition centennial parties , such as radical or politically homeless , those who converged on a program that will up fighter Chilean people , to confront the reformism of the Christian Democrats and the traditional candidate representing capitalism of Jorge Alessandri . Chile, therefore prolonged stage lived nonsterile capitalists typically governments . Nonsterile say because I have argued that our country has been or is one of those where bourgeois democracy has functioned properly as such.
Chilean Institutions have a firm over a century , and this year the conference of my country , which I served for 27 years, two years as deputy and 25 as Senator, is turning 160 years , almost uninterrupted work . I would of uninterrupted work . So do not deny what we previously did, but we understand that the path of yesterday may not be the same way tomorrow. So in the political process to the old system did the bright hope , planted demagoguery , of revolution and freedom characterized by reformism of Christian Democracy . Nor do I deny that the government, which happens the people's government , made ​​no progress in the economic , social and political , but always standing large deficits that characterizes the existence of towns like ours : housing, jobs , health, education and culture. There is no developing country that has managed to solve any of these essential items and less on this continent where a vast human sector has been denied and unknown , are the descendants of Atahualpa Lautaro or children in my country the heroic Pueblo Mapuche the indigenous , mestizo , have been and , unfortunately , even though given the seed of our race , were neglected , neglected and even denied in many countries. So our fight and our decision had to be no political change , not the transfer of government from one man to another, but the delivery of a system to a people who want a profound transformation in the economic , political and so social . To pave the way within their legitimate right to socialism , Chile - I said, Serene Grand Master has its own story , as do the other people with their own characteristics. And Chile Colombia seals as its democratic and libertarian . But we live in 1938 a separate step to all the peoples of this continent and most deEuropa peoples and other Continents . Chile was one of three countries in the world that there was a "Popular Front" . And a human being and radical Mason , Pedro Aguirre Cerda , reached power by political phases of understanding between the radical party , over one hundred , and the Marxist , communist , socialist and democratic party . In my country, and my country beyond , was fought the possibility of the victory of the Popular Front . Took to flight the bells of terror and panic . He spoke of the " useful idiots " to say that communists and socialists would take advantage of the radicals to establish a dictatorship. And Aguirre Cerda , radical liberal, is magnified in the exercise of power because vitalized contact with the people and their loyalty to him . And when one fateful day , soldiers who did not respect the commitment made to his conscience and the Constitution , under the pretext rose futile waving a red rag at La Moneda , Chile , for a ward party had relied on its wall , it was the people that surrounded the barracks.
It was the unarmed people who were forced to surrender, without their heroic soldiers fired a single shot in front of a crowd willing to defend a radical Mason , but teacher and statesman. So at the root of the process of evolution Chilean politics , no history that no other parallel , so it is difficult to understand what happens in my country today , and that's weird issue today is the presence of a Mason or a Marxist / socialist government of Chile. The truth is , Serene Grand Master, no one in my country, or beyond the borders , can be fooled . For over a year we announced the program of the Popular Unity I repeat composed lay Marxists and Christians, men of the pen, the plow and the rail. Nobody wanted it, ceased to know why we were fighting and why we were fighting . Always argued that it was difficult to win in the elections , it was more difficult to assume the government , it was still difficult to build socialism . Always expressed that this was a task that could not make a person or a group of parties, but an organized , disciplined , conscientious, responsible for its great historic task , and facts have proven what I sostuviera . We were so fought as in the year 38. And I, I've been several times candidate , I have the experience to what methods are used to impede the progress of peoples. An impressive cross was conceived in the 69 to spread the panic of religious persecution, the fear that the armed forces were removed from Chile that was deleted Carabinieri ; arguments simple, yet concealed their wickedness capable of being assimilated to deny us the votes we needed. I always maintained that each country according to their own reality , should seek camino.Por So I added that , from the point of view of theory , for me at least , the guerilla , armed insurgency , the armed people or choices were ways they could choose the people within their own reality. I do not I have to say it bluntly .
There are countries where no one can imagine that there may be elections because no congress , no parties or trade unions. Therefore we tread this path within the laws of bourgeois democracy , committed to respect , but also to transform , to enable the citizen of Chile has a distinct existence and that Chile is genuinely a homeland for all Chileans. We raised a genuine revolution in Chile, made ​​by Chileans , to Chile. We do not export the Chilean revolution , for very simple reasons : because something we know about the characteristics of each country . To export democracy and freedom have to be some conditions that do not have the vast majority of Latin American peoples . That's why among brothers , in the Grand Lodge of Colombia , can now realize the sincerity of our stance of nonintervention. Delivery is frank approach a Brother against Brother . The battle ours is very hard and very difficult because , arguably , to raise the standard of living of our people , we need to make revolutionary changes that hurt big interests : foreign interests , foreign capital , imperialist interests , national interests and monopolies high finance . We are convinced that we can not defeat the delay and ignorance , and misery , moral and physiological , if not use the surpluses produced by our own economy to plant them at schools, universities , hospitals , roads, farms worked with modern technology to make may I repeat performance in our own country , of what is rightfully ours . I can only illustrate , so that you understand our position , the case of Chile, with copper, for example, wealth fundamental pillar of our economy, accounting for 82 % of the country's foreign exchange budget , and gives us the 24 % of income tax Serene Grand Master. And this has been handled by hands that are not Chilean . The initial investment of U.S. copper companies for 50 years did not exceed 13 million dollars, and over the years have left Chile 3.200 million to go to strengthen the industrial empires . Under these conditions , how can we progress? How does a town that has the largest copper reserves in the world and the largest mine in the world is Chuquicamata can not control prices or production levels , or markets , when variation in a penny in the price per pound of copper represents a major new income for Chile of 12 million dollars? How is it possible that I have called with reason the salary of Chile, is handled by hands that are not Chilean ? I declare that this attitude our rescue our basic wealth there , QQ : . HH: . , An attitude neither discriminatory nor contrary to the people.
Respect to the United States as a nation , we know its history and understand perfectly well the words of Lincoln when he said : " This nation - referring to his homeland, is half slave and half free ." That same word , the same phrase can be applied to our people but apparently free slaves in modern reality. So we fought and why we fought. I gave the example of copper and could talk of iron, steel , coal and salt, and could talk of the land. In a country that can feed 20 million people or more , you have to import all the years meat, wheat , oil , butter and oil , worth more than 180 or 200 million dollars. If you continue the process of natural population increase at a rate of 2.9 % per year , and increase agricultural production, in 2000 Chile would have to import one billion dollars in food . And all the foreign trade of Chile at this time, Serene Grand Master, are 1.200 million, of which copper is 1.030 million. In these conditions could not be absent from the mind of ours , the need for a profound reform, which is part of the process of economic development of a country and not just the change of ownership of the land but to raise the intellectual level and worker morale ground. We have done our phrase of Tupac Amaru , the Inca chief of Peru , when he told his fellow Jews : "The boss will not eat more than your hunger." We actually wanted the land worker is the also entitled to eat what the land produces . And I, I'm a doctor , and I've been five years President of the Chilean Medical Association , where senator socialist fighter , I know what life is union , and I can say with satisfaction that my brothers to the doctors of my country I respected and respect me , I can point a Chilean pain , which probably also happens in other peoples : 600,000 children of my country , Serene Grand Master, who have reached the political level have shown here , are mentally retarded , because they received protein the first six months of its existence . Given these realities, there is no complacency . Against this background there is the explanation in the secular world of the principles that I was taught and learned in the Order. So I fought , and therefore, not personally, but according to a spokesman for a people, I am the President of my country , to meet the program without hesitation to lift the front of the people, because I have a commitment to my conscience , and is a commitment to a Mason against the conscience of a mason , and I have a commitment to the story and I have a commitment to my country . This will mean retaliation. Hurting interest is hard, and that those interests are defended , we know and we're already seeing . But , how far the people of this continent will accept us to be remote controlled ? For 20 years there has been talk of the International Monetary Fund , the convertibility of currency into gold. And in the evening to the morning, when it suits the U.S. hegemon , change the rules of the game and hit our weak economies. For 15 or 20 years, we have seen that the United Nations can not enter China , a country of 900 million people . But when should the internal problem of a country on the eve of elections , we can say that China is recognized and can travel to the President of the United States to talk with Mao Tse Tung . But we can not do it before. How long we will not see us we have a right to chart our own path , to walk our own path , to take the libertarian flags of the heroes of the American continent to play it , because that is the task that was given ? If that's being revolutionary , I am, but if that is a Mason , also maintain that I am.
I can also tell you why the QQ : . HH: . of the Grand Lodge of Colombia : in my country there is a man or a woman imprisoned imprisoned for political reasons , in my country all rights are respected . And last night I had the pleasure to get to this temple accompanied by the Ambassador of Chile to Colombia , Q : . H : . Hernán Gutiérrez . It comes also with us the Director General of Police, General José María Sepúlveda who is also a brother of ours, and he knows perfectly well , as I know the Q : . H : . Gutierrez, it's true what I'm saying. And if he has yet to seek a testimony , here is present a Bro . he saw Masonic light here because it is the Colombian , which is Colombia 's ambassador in Chile , which has not forgotten that he is a Mason and I had the pleasure and luck to shake his hand after being victorious at the polls, in a Masonic Temple , where he being diplomatic and Gutiérrez comply arrives in its obligation Masonic Lodges . So hold that against artificial climate created before or during the election, will made ​​much harder , we have to confront. But if there rulers or governments who believe that it is legitimate to defend the interests of the few , however great they are, I maintain the right to defend the interests of my people and my country against the interests of a few. If anyone thinks that , at this stage of life, can bend material threat to the people , think again. United States has to learn the lesson of Vietnam. And the lesson of Vietnam is a lesson for all small countries , it is the lesson of heroism and dignity . And we must understand that there are countries that spend one hundred billion dollars a year in a war , in a continent that is not theirs , to prevent a destination people want to give , compared to a Latin America that has to be with outstretched hands and pleading to get small loans , drops the big udder milk the most powerful country of capitalism, in circumstances of this continent , in the last decade , many more millions have come amortization of profits and interest, that those who enter as input capitales.América America, poor continent , is an exporter of capital, facing the reality of the most powerful in the world of international capitalism . That's why this is our fight , and that's why I use this language which is a language of clarity , as is the obligation to do so in front of my brothers . Front is a struggle not only be in Chile, which is occurring all over the world , because we live the transcendent minute that creaky old systems , and it is our duty to look with open eyes what is going to happen tomorrow , to test whether we can find the channels that allow large majorities continue a path other than the unnecessary violence and high capital cost . I have said in my country , and I repeat it here in the heart of the Brothers of Colombia : I am not a dam , but I am the channel for the people to walk with the assurance that their rights will be respected. They can not stop the avalanche of history. Repressive laws can not calm the hunger of the people. Temporarily may be delayed a few years , and perhaps even a generation, but sooner or later the levees break and the human tide flooding , but this time with violence, and in my opinion just - because his hunger and suffering are but ancient in parts and trees, at least in our American continent . If old as the church institutions are transforming the content of their own existence , if the bishops in Medellin speak a language that could have been revolutionary for 5 or 10 years ago , is because they understand that the word of Christ have to recover for the save Catholic Church as an institution, because if they see always committed to the interests of a few, no one will believe the truth tomorrow teaching that gave : the Master of Galilee , seen by me , at least as being human . That's why I think and dream. Dream at night of initiation, when he recalled these words : people without entrenched ideas without principles are like boats, they lost the rudder, run aground on the reefs . I want the Brothers of Colombia know that I will not lose my rudder Masonic principles . It's harder to make a revolution where no social cost is crashing hard powerful international interests and powerful national interests. But all I want is to arrive tomorrow , fulfilled my mandate, and enter the door of my temple , as I entered now as President of Chile.
Dr. Salvador Allende Gossens
President of Chile
Colombia , Bogota , August 28, 1971
Courtesy of Prof. Moreno Peralta , Executive Secretary ADDHEE / NGO

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